Most haunted Operating System

I rolled out Windows XP SP2(Service Pack) more than a month ago and was indeed impressed by the improvements. Everything was fine till this morning when my XP workstation in the office had a little surprise!!! for me.

Arrived at office after an uneventful travel this morning, grabbed a cup of coffe, and logged into my office laptop to find that there is this nifty icon with a message telling me that “New updates are ready to install”.

What is wrong???

And this new update it turns out to be SP2 again. I did a quick check on my installed programs to see if SP2 is still installed on my computer and it shows up as it is. So what exactly is the problem?

Already installed this :(

Has any one else witnessed similar issues. I am stopping this update temporarily to investigate if this is (one of the) a known issue(s).