Category: Essence

  • Movies.. Movies..

    I have never been a serious blogger. I do blog only when I feel to. So it is not surprising that I am not updating my blogs frequently. In fact, there were three-four nights in the last month when I sat down and started scribbling somthing for the blog, but then decided not to post…

  • You’ll do anything for love, but you won’t fall for it easily.

    Blogthings have turned boring off late. But this I really enjoyed this one. However, there is atleast one point that I think contradicts with my personality. The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to those who have a split personality – cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.…

  • Getting back to work

    Why don’t they have bank holidays every month? I loved this bank holiday weekend. Allowed my body and brain to catch up with some sleep. I had deprived myself of decent sleep for quite some time. Good sleep, a day out in the Notting Hill Carnival, phone calls to family and friends, meeting friends and…

  • Life without internet

    The weekend was hectic. I finally settled down on the new flat. I am still waiting to get the new telephone line, which may take upto 10 days. Till then I won’t be able to update this blog often.

  • Moving to a new place

    One of the toughest tasks in life is finding a place to rent in London. I have been trying to let a flat for the last two months and atlast found a studio flat that is very near to my work place. Will be moving to the new flat later today. I am happy that…

  • Father’s Day

    Lot of people will never miss an opportunity to wish others. They are very happy to seize the opportunity of events like “Father’s Day”, “Mother’s Day”, “Valentine’s Day” and bestow their loved ones with gifts and wishes. But I have always sighed away from these things. Just when I thought that this year on the…