PixelPost and spam relaying
I’m seeing an interesting new attack on my website where the attacker is hoping to exploit unchecked fields in a “web to email” form. The attack works by assuming a field used in an email header (such as the “From:” address or the “Subject:”) is passed unchecked to the mail subsystem. Appending a newline character…
The “Dirty Dozen”
The top twelve spam producing according to the latest report from Sophos. 1. United States – 42.11% 2. South Korea – 13.43% 3. China (incl Hong Kong) – 8.44% 4. Canada – 5.71% 5. Brazil – 3.34% 6. Japan – 2.57% 7. France – 1.37% 8. Spain – 1.18% 9. United Kingdom – 1.13% 10.…
I hate these invitations
Frustrated with the growing number of of invites I get every day to join hi5.com, I decided to google a bit to find why these people are spamming me. Any one who thinks of joining hi5.com please read the following two pages before you come to a hasty decision.
Telephone Spams
When I got my new BT number I made sure to exclude my number from the telephone directory. And I have never disclosed the number to any one. But I still get annoying spam messages on my answerphone. I am getting frustrated with the number of spams I receive in my voice mailbox. This is…
New scam
This one is a real beauty. Found this in a Yahoo Group for which I am a moderator. Whoever thought about this idea is an evil idot.
Desperate IT Consultant
Had an interesting task yesterday. One of our new customers had a very serious problem. They have a PHP based website, which uses MySQL database for displaying the latest currency exchange rates. They update the exchange rates every day. Their website was designed and maintained by another one-man company, whose owner/technical consultant has complete admin…