Category: General

  • Future of Spyware/Malware

    When was the last time you became a victim of a spyware/adware/trojan horse. Was it today, yesterday or last week? Or if you are a IT technician/Systems Administrator you are probably witnessing atleast one such incident everyday. We all know that most of the infections happen because of the ignorance of the users.

  • Netsky worm still on the wild

    Sven Jaschan was arrested more than 2 months ago for allegedly writing and distributing the Netsky and Sasser worms. This guy may now be in safe custody. But the worms are still on the wild, spreading like anything. This is from a guy whose teacher certifies that he is not a bright guy in the…

  • New scam

    This one is a real beauty. Found this in a Yahoo Group for which I am a moderator. Whoever thought about this idea is an evil idot.

  • Desperate IT Consultant

    Had an interesting task yesterday. One of our new customers had a very serious problem. They have a PHP based website, which uses MySQL database for displaying the latest currency exchange rates. They update the exchange rates every day. Their website was designed and maintained by another one-man company, whose owner/technical consultant has complete admin…

  • Life without internet

    The weekend was hectic. I finally settled down on the new flat. I am still waiting to get the new telephone line, which may take upto 10 days. Till then I won’t be able to update this blog often.

  • Moving to a new place

    One of the toughest tasks in life is finding a place to rent in London. I have been trying to let a flat for the last two months and atlast found a studio flat that is very near to my work place. Will be moving to the new flat later today. I am happy that…

  • Server Downtime

    The technicians in my ISP should have had a horrible day today. The server on which this was hosted went down at around 8:30 in the morning due to a defective hard disk. The technicians showed excellent commitment in installing a new hard disk and restoring all the data from the backups. Great work guys.…

  • Bolly Mug

    Click here to check out the Bolly Mug listed there. I’ll better buy all the mugs from them before my mates and ex-colleagues see this one. I checked the manufacturer’s site of this mug. Thank god! They don’t outsource from India. 🙂

  • Problem connecting to Google

    At this moment there is no connection to and from my workplace. I am not sure if this is another DNS outage like the one that happened last week. Let me wait for a few minutes to see if there is a problem with my servers. I have already users calling me to…

  • Father’s Day

    Lot of people will never miss an opportunity to wish others. They are very happy to seize the opportunity of events like “Father’s Day”, “Mother’s Day”, “Valentine’s Day” and bestow their loved ones with gifts and wishes. But I have always sighed away from these things. Just when I thought that this year on the…