Month: September 2005

  • Ashes and the Cinderalla Man

    England have won the Ashes after 16 years. And I happy for that. But why am I excited for this win? Is it because of the fact that I live there? I think it is because they are the underdogs and that gives me a sense of confidence. Even with the weather playing spoilsport there…

  • Ashes – Finale

    Final day of the final test of this year’s Ashes series. As Cricinfo’s homepage reads it is “Advantage Australia” at the moment. Australia with the help of some wonderful bowling through Shane Warne and McGrath is now in a comfortable seat. The pressure is on England. Can they hold themselves together for another two sessions?…

  • Kingdom of Heaven

    Year: 2005 Director: Ridley Scott Kingdom of Heaven tries to provide a glimpse into the era of crusades. It is a tale of a blacksmith who chooses to serve the christian king of Jersulam and in the process acheives knighthood. Directed by Ridley Scott whose Gladiator was a huge hit. Orlando Bloom looks more comfortable…

  • The return of the Ashes

    The Ashes series for a long time now was a boring one-sided affair. Every year the British used to talk about why their current side are the favourites to win the series that year. But in the end the Aussies used to win the series relatively easily. But this year the likes of Flintoff, Vaughn,…

  • WordPress 1.6

    Just took a few minutes to upgrade this WordPress instance to the latest development version. The new admin interface is too cool that I can’t wait to start using it. WP 1.6 when it comes out can only be much better than what I see in the current development branch.

  • Minimally Invasive Education

    Children in groups will learn on their own with little or no input from others, provided the learning environment induces an adequate level of curiosity. This is the hypothesis behind the successful experiment “Hole in the Wall”. What would happen if we provide poor illiterate children from the slum areas with unrestricted access to computer?…

  • Satellite images – Before and after Katrina – Satellite Imagery of New Orleans(link)

  • Movies.. Movies..

    I have never been a serious blogger. I do blog only when I feel to. So it is not surprising that I am not updating my blogs frequently. In fact, there were three-four nights in the last month when I sat down and started scribbling somthing for the blog, but then decided not to post…